Sunday, September 2, 2018

Products: Breakfast items

Forage Gluten Free Porridge
Purchased from: GloHealth Elsternwick $11.20

The tricky thing about GF cereals, mueslis and porridges is they try to bulk out the nutrition panel with other high fodmap items (looking at you dried fruit and nut varieties). Forage have a plain option, which is very helpful. They have all the disclaimers on the box that you ahve to add things to make it a complete breakfast, but they haven't done it for you, so you can add the things that are going to work for you.

Of course I took the photo the morning of shopping day so I have a pretty incomplete breakfast here, oopsies, but I have my chocolate spice mix, which I find masks the quinoa/amaranth flavour very well, without having to add sugar), some strawberries and some lactose free milk. Other things I like to add to it include bananas (still a bit green, of course), macadamias, Liddells yoghurt, cinnamon, passionfruit, chia seeds and sunflower seeds.

Genius Crumpets
Purchased from: Coles $6

I am so so happy that Coles have brought these in. They've been around for a little while and I previously found one IGA that stocked them (at $7.99), but now they're quite widely available among larger Coles stores (I have noticed that two smaller Coles stores around me do not stock them, I'm not sure how widespread this is, but both are former BiLo sites and never stock a full Coles range).
This may be a controversial option, but I think these are better than the "regular" crumpets that supermarkets offer. They have less of a manufactured taste, they're really light and fluffy and don't have the rubbery-ness that the regular supermarket ones tend to have. I like them with stewed strawberries (can you tell I'm a bit obsessive about strawberries?), rhubarb or just butter. I also have this wonderful grand plan of having some topped with diced pineapple, passionfruit and plain Liddell's yoghurt on a really hot day this summer, but I will have to get back to you on how that one tastes.

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